Want real fertility results on your farm? Contact us today and request a soil audit - Request a Soil Audit

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Soil through a microscope

Soil under pasture, excellent biology and fungi present, rich in humic and fulvic substances. This is a very productive soil.

This soil under pasture has suffered from too much NPK. There is no life or minerals left in it. The minerals such as calcium The farmer called us in to help him improve his soil fertility. 

This is Kiwi Carbon Blend which is incredibly high in humic material. The bacteria to fungi ratio is so different from a soil profile, pastoral soils have a far higher bacterial content than fungi. Kiwi Carbon blend is the other way round which is a good thing, as many forms of fungi are food for bacteria. The photo shows the bacteria as translucent circles, the small rod shapes are fungi, and the large dark cloud-like shapes are biochar. The broken glass-like shapes are silica.

Want real fertility results on your farm? Contact us today and request a soil audit.


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